The B.R.A.G Factor™
Do you want more out of your finances, business, and life?
Do you want to step into your NEXT LEVEL and conquer new territories, start a new business, launch a new career path or what you have already started?
Listen to this Powerful Audio with Action Strategies broken down to processes to help you to (B, (R, (A - (Grow - so you can Boldly Radically Achieve Goals & Create Your Business .
Grab your pen, paper & headphones...and learn how the elements of THE BRAG Factor™ into SUPER ACTION to up-level & transform your identity, business, project, product, organization, brand or service.
Are you looking for a full proof way to earn your bragging rights? This tutorial has down into strategy and into smaller actionable processes that you can apply immediately.
No Fluff, No Gimmick, No Tricks, No Ra-Ra..Just VALUE Bombs!
Slide Image & Click the PLAY Button to Listen for FREE to 'Strategy 1 - BRANDING' or click HERE to listen.
Here's What You'll Learn
- How a powerful brand for yourself, business or product that will radically attract media attention.
- The guide to reinvent your idea, business or service & why reinvention should be a consistent part of your business.
- How to create a value proposition that rocks, make investments that don't require financing.
- Build repeatable systems in your business.
- Find the right people to align with, where to start & how to connect with them.
- Show you the value of strategic and joint ventures to help you grow your business.
- How to cultivate & nurture your clients, customers & audience, so they keep coming back for more.
- How to observe where you show up & how your customers/tribe interact with your product, brand or service.
- PLUS Practical Examples & Lots More.
You'll get an Audio DOWNLOAD with Four Strategy Lessons & 25 Processes.
- Action Strategy 1: B - is for B.R.A.N.D.I.NG duration (42:49)
- Action Strategy 2: R - is to R.E.I.N.V.E.N duration (36:20)
- Action Strategy 3: A - is to .L.I.G duration (22:53)
- Action Strategy 4: G - is to G.R.O duration (29:22)
Excited to Throw In A GIFT - (Here's Your )
- You get a FREE 30 Minutes Clarity Call and Strategy Session.
- A digital issue of BRAG! Magazine (Bold Winter 2019).
- The ASK Manual.
This Audio Training is for you - If...
- You are just starting out, a new business or project and not sure what direction to take.
- You are a , business owner, a start-up or run an organization.
- You want to expand your reach, income & influence.
- You have a full-time but you also run a side hustle.
- You have been in the entrepreneurial game for years - but need to your efforts and scale up your business & need direction.
- You have tried everything possible - yet success eludes you.
- You are making bits of progress but still, need some professional guidance.
- You are on the journey - building a personal brand & you desire more structure.
- You have spent tons & tons of money on marketing, with no returns.
- Your business is stagnant and needs restructure.
- You are tired of trying to figure it all out by yourself.
- You need the blueprint to fame, money, influence, impact & SUCCESS.
P.S: For Support, Comments, Questions & Enquiries - Please Send Emails to or